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Callback by URL

To inform an external system in case of a specific trigger, a custom connection is a possibility but this costs time and money. Also when the external system is changed, the connections to it must be altered as well. That is why we have chosen to create a very generic callback-by-url method that can be used to inform systems in a generic http way using http-get, http-post and http-put. If the external system does not support this callback, a custom connection can be created as well as a separate project.

UrlThe URL (optionally with parameters) that must be issued for this trigger.'https://trans.system.nl/Verify.svc/SetToPaid?RESID=[*OrderId]&Amount=[*AmountNumber]'
UsernameThe username in case of a secure connection.Theusername
Passwordthe password in case of a secure connection.S3cr3t

 When a secure conection is used with a username and a password, it is strongly advised to use HTTPS.

Using http GET

With http GET, only a URL and (optionally) a username and password can be entered because that is all that will be sent to the external system.

Using http POST or http PUT

With http POST or http PUT, besides a URL and (optionally) a username and password, a body can be sent as well. This body is made up out of three different parts:

HeaderThis is the first part of the body and can be set up to identify starting elements in case of (for instance) an XML message.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<result flightno="[FlightNumber]">
BodyThe second part can contain the important elements that describe the contents of a message. For instance what the result is of a payment, the amount, etc.<payment paid="true">
FooterThis is the last part of the body and can be used to identity any closing elements. </result>

 If the examples above are used, the following message would be sent to the system as body of the http message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<result flightno="[FlightNumber]">
  <payment paid="true">

Of course other (non-xml) information can be used in these fields as well.

Date updated: 2019-10-09
Trust Guard