U bent hier:

Change the status of a mandate by the mandate number (http POST)

Using the ‘status’ command the status of a mandate request with the specified mandate can be changed.
The <command> value in the URL must be replaced by: status/<entity key>/<status>/<mandate number>
A secure connection, as described in the ‘API connection’ page, must be created. 

entity keyEvery PayByMail entity within the system has its own unique key. When connecting to the PayByMail system, this key must be supplied as well so PayByMail knows within which entity the payment must be created.

The status that the mandate must get. The following values are allowed:

LinkSentOnly allowed from statuses: Booked, SendError
SendErrorOnly allowed from statuses: Booked, LinkSent
MailDeliveredOnly allowed from statuses: Booked, LinkSent
MailOpenedOnly allowed from statuses: Booked, LinkSent, MailDelivered
LinkClickedOnly allowed from statuses: Booked, LinkSent, MailDelivered, MailOpened
SuccessAllowed from all statuses except: Aborted
AbortedAllowed from all statuses except Expired, Success
ExpiredAllowed from all statuses except: Success, Aborted, Error
ErrorAllowed from all statuses except: Expired, Success, Aborted

mandate numberThe unique mandate number of the mandate request that must be searched.

Return values

When the status of the mandate request could be successfully changed, an http-code 200 will be returned. If the status of the request could not be changed, a ‘BadRequest’ with a describing message is returned.

Date updated: 2019-10-09
Trust Guard